
MECSYCO is built on the paradigm Agents and Artifacts to describe complex systems as multi-models. It provides a formalization of these concepts in DEVS to ensure causality of the simulation. See concepts section to have more details.


MECSYCO is now available upon email request to mecsyco@inria.fr.

The work is currently split in four projects:

  • Mecsyco Java contains the core of the MECSYCO co-simulation middleware written in Java. This is the most supported version.
  • Mecsyco Scholar is a MECSYCO user project that contains tutorials and examples.
  • Mecsyco C++ is a C++ version of MECSYCO used to interact with ns-3 and OMNeT++.
  • Mecsyco DSL is an XText project that defines Domain Specific Languages for MECSYCO . They are associated with a description-based development process.


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Latest news:

MECSYCO 3.0 release

This major release of the MECSYCO includes composition and Dsl.

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